Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tarot Practical: June 23, 2012

Join me in a Tarot Practical!

Today I decided to stick to the Morning/Afternoon/Evening spread that we tried yesterday.  This is not a customary spread for me, but I want to work with it a bit more to see if it has promise.

Today, I will post my thoughts on the cards before the rest of the day plays out.

Please feel free to join in by posting in the comments!

The day's events have been added!

7 of Wands:  My son has his martial arts class this morning; something important might happen there today.  He came home with a form for his first belt test!  In addition to demonstrating his physical skill, he must answer some questions in short answer form.

The Hierophant:  Looks a little like my grandfather, whom we are going to see today.  The kids were very happy to see their grandfather, whom they worship.

High Priestess, rev:  Hmm...two days in a row.  I guess I'm more prone than usual to ignore my inner voice this week?

10 of Cups:  Bigger kid also has a baseball game, so there will be lots of friends and family getting together this afternoon to cheer the kids on.  Maybe they'll win!  The baseball game was great fun, and our team did win.  Afterward, we had a big family late lunch.

King of Cups, rev:  This card usually represents a friend of mine who is an actor, who is having a hard time with a business partner; as a result, he often hides his true feelings and opinions from her.  Maybe I'll hear from him this afternoon.  I didn't hear from him during the afternoon, but he did have yet another issue with his partner which he filled me in on later.  Whenever this card comes up in a spread, I call and ask if he wants to go out for beers and talk.  He always says yes, and has much to vent about.

4 of Pentacles:  I am trying to keep us on a budget.  I will likely have to put my foot down about something money-related this afternoon.  Papa went for his second hair cut in the same month.  For the sake of our budget, I had to put the kibosh on that.  He agreed to have his hair cut shorter, once a month.

Ace of Swords:  Not a negative card, but I'm thinking this may herald an argument.  I assumed an argument because lately swords in my spreads, even upright, have warned of squabbles.  This one however was letting me know that we would have some alone time this evening for intellectual pursuits.  

7 of Cups, rev:  I'll get a chance to dump out all the things I've been thinking about and turn my mental machinations into something concrete...for this to happen, both kids would have to be out of the house. Both kids did leave the house with the grandparents after lunchtime.  I did some writing, and decided to pick up a silversmithing project I'd put down a few weeks ago.

The Sun, rev:  Again, this card.  More problems with the littlest kid?  If the Ace of Swords represents an argument, the day could end on a disappointing note, especially if the kids do spend the night out of the house.  My silver project did not come out the way it was supposed to.  I got the entire thing made and went to set the stone, only to find that the bezel no longer fit the stone.  I was extremely disappointed.

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