Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Lunar Week: June 25 - July 1, 2012

Buck Moon:  Waxing Gibbous

This week sees the burgeoning moon slide through four signs on its journey to next week's fullness.  The week starts out in earthy, practical Virgo; sublimes to airy, measuring Libra; condenses to watery, brooding Scorpio; and transmutes to fiery, expansive Sagittarius.

This moon is also sometimes called the Thunder Moon, because thunderstorms are common in many areas during the month of June.  I wish we'd see more here.  We've had a lot of promising clouds and skyward rumbling to tease us, but no rainfall, alas.

The Lunar Week, Daily:

Monday, June 25: Moon in Virgo.  Our yard is overtaken by ants at this time of year, some of which venture into the house.  As much as I hate to begrudge a living thing a place to dwell, I will likely do some purging of anthills today.  If pests are encroaching upon your living space, today is a great day  to discourage their presence.

Tuesday, June 26:  Moon in Virgo/Libra.  Use the last vestiges of nitpicky Virgo's energy to organize your closet or wardrobe.  If you found any clothes or accessories that you no longer wear, take them to a resale or consignment shop this afternoon.  While you're there, let fashion-loving Libra help you decide on one unique piece to add to your newly organized closet!

Wednesday, June 27: Moon in Libra.  If you're growing your hair out, today and tomorrow are the best of the month for a trim.

Thursday, June 28: Moon in Libra/Scorpio.  If you've been intending to have a positive, meaningful conversation with someone, today might be a great day for it.  The waxing moon as it flows from Libra to Scorpio emphasizes the transition from a mind that weighs options dispassionately to a mind that listens more to intuition and deep emotions.  If someone you love is carrying a burden, offer a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to cry on.

Friday, June 29:  Moon in Scorpio.  Today and tomorrow are excellent days to get late season above-ground crops in the soil, if you live in a climate that is temperate and receives adequate rainfall.  I'm in Zone 8, in a place with scanty rainfall and "soil" that laughs in the face of our puny little sprinklers, so today I will instead watch a movie that makes me cry like a big old baby, so as to purge some of the emotional stuff that gets stuck inside from time to time.

Saturday, June 30:  Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius.  The movement of the waxing moon from Scorpio to Sagittarius can help us to ease up on brooding over particulars and instead take a positive view of the big picture. Shake off the last of Scorpio's intensity with a physical activity that you enjoy.  Make a playlist with all your most guilty pleasures (if it doesn't already exist), hit play, and blast off!

Sunday, July 1:  Moon in Sagittarius.  Jupiter rules, among many other areas, higher education and intellectual expansion.  Is there a class you've been wanting to sign up for, or a new interest that's been piquing your brain lately?  Pursue it today, whether it means walking into your local craft guild, community college, or bookstore.  Learning is something that we have the chance to do every day, for our whole entire lives--let today's energy be the fire in your engine that puts you on a path to a new perspective!

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